Thursday, June 26, 2014

FREE Life Stress Test

by Dr. Tim Lowenstein (c) 2014

FREE Life Stress Test
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In the past 12 to 24 months, which of the following major life events have taken place in your life.

Make down the points for each event that you have experienced this year.

When you're done looking at the whole list, add up the points for each event.

Check your score at the bottom.

    _____ 100 Death of Spouse
    _____ 73 Divorce
    _____ 65 Marital Separation or from relationship partner
    _____ 63 Jail Term
    _____ 63 Death of close family member
    _____ 53 Personal injury or illness
    _____ 50 Marriage
    _____ 47 Fired from work
    _____ 45 Marital reconciliation
    _____ 45 Retirement
    _____ 44 Change in family member's health
    _____ 40 Pregnancy
    _____ 39 Sex difficulties
    _____ 39 Addition to family
    _____ 39 Business readjustment
    _____ 38 Change in financial status
    _____ 37 Death of close friend
    _____ 36 Change to a different line of work
    _____ 35 Change in number of marital arguments
    _____ 31 Mortgage or loan over $30,000
    _____ 30 Foreclosure of mortgage or loan
    _____ 29Change in work responsibilities
    _____ 29 Trouble with in-laws
    _____ 28 Outstanding personal achievement
    _____ 26 Spouse begins or stops work
    _____ 26 Starting or finishing school
    _____ 25 Change in living conditions
    _____ 24 Revision of personal habits
    _____ 23 Trouble with boss
    _____ 20 Change in work hours, conditions
    _____ 20 Change in residence
    _____ 20 Change in schools
    _____ 19 Change in recreational habits
    _____ 19 Change in church activities
    _____ 18 Change in social activities
    _____ 17 Mortgage or loan under $20,000
    _____ 16 Change in sleeping habits
    _____ 15 Change in number of family gatherings
    _____ 15 Change in eating habits
    _____ 13 Vacation
    _____ 12 Christmas season
    _____ 11 Minor violations of the law

    ______ Your Total Score

This scale shows the kind of life pressure that you are facing. Depending on your coping skills or the lack thereof, this scale can predict the likelihood that you will fall victim to a stress related illness. The illness could be mild - frequent tension headaches, acid indigestion, loss of sleep to very serious illness like ulcers, cancer, migraines and the like.
0-149 Low susceptibility to stress-related illness
150-299 Medium susceptibility to stress-related illness.
Learn and practice relaxation and stress management skills and a healthy well life style.
300 and over High susceptibility to stress-related illness
Daily practice of relaxation skills is very important for your wellness. Take care of it now before a serious illness erupts or an affliction becomes worse.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014



by Dr. Tim Lowenstein (c) 2012

FREE 5 Second STRESS TEST - Touch Your Neck

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Each of us reacts to stress differently. Some of us tighten our muscles, others dump more acid into their stomach, still others have freezing cold hands or feet, can't sleep, headaches, ......... That's the bad news and, of course, it gets even worse as things get out of hand. Stress, unchecked, can make you ill and can even kill. Not news to you, I'm sure. What you can do is learn to detect your own level of stress accurately. Even more impressive is when you learn to master your own response to stress. Don't panic, kids learn this easily and so can you.

This is a simple test of your stress level. Not all stress or tension is bad. You need to have some to drive a car safely down a city freeway or watch a two year old at the playground. But too much stress can slowly build like a kettle on the stove. Within minutes it is hissing. After a few more minutes it is bubbling with the lid rattling. This can happen in a few minutes, a few years or over a life time. Now you can learn to check your body to get an idea of the Stress Factor.

Body temperature is the simplest way to determine your level of stress . To better understand the relationship of stress and body temperature read - STRESS AND BODY TEMPERATURE.


A simple way to test your stress level is by comparing your hand temperature to your neck temperature. Neck temperature is typically around the high 80's to low 90's F. Hand temperature can vary from 60 degrees to 99 degrees in a normal room temperature. So you can test your hand temperature by touching your neck with the fingertips of both hands.
FREE 5 Second STRESS TEST - Touch Your Neck

Do your fingers feel colder than your neck? How much colder? Allot or just slightly?

Do your fingers feel warm like your neck?

Remember "Warm Hands are Relaxed, Cold Hands are Tense!"

Warm Hands are Relaxed

Cold Hands are Tense

If your fingers feel really cold, then you are showing extra tension perhaps too much stress.

If your fingers feel cool, then you are showing some tension.

If your fingers are warm like your neck, then you may be relaxed and comfortable.

If your fingers feel hotter than your neck, then you may be deeply relaxed.

This is a simple test. Some people feel stress in muscle tension, sweaty hands or other ways that may be more apparent than hand temperature.


    Close your eyes and check your finger/neck temperature again.

Make yourself Stressed Out! Now sit and think of something really upsetting - a divorce, problems at work, a death, children problems, a bad experience in childhood, credit card bills, loneliness, etc. Really think about that problem for 3 minutes until you can feel your body change and react to that pressure.

    Check your finger/neck temperature again.

Did your fingers get colder? What else happened inside your body?

If were not able to make yourself feel tense then try this. Sit and imagine putting your hands in ICE COLD WATER. Feel the ice cubes rubbing against your fingers. Hear the freezing cold cubes clang against the glass bowl. Or imagine making snowballs or a snowman [person] with NO GLOVES. Imagine this for 3 minutes.

    Check your finger/neck temperature again.

Did your fingers get colder? What else happened inside your body?


    Close your eyes and check your finger/neck temperature again.

Now let us test to see how well you can relax and make your hands warmer. Sit with your eyes closed. Take long, slow, deep breaths. For 3 minutes imagine that you are laying in the warm sunshine or under a heavy blanket in front of a fireplace. Feel the warmth flowing down your arms and into your hands. Feel the warmth pulsing and throbbing over your entire body.

    Check your finger/neck temperature again.

Did your fingers get warmer? What else happened inside your body?

By doing this simple test and then practicing 5 minutes of deep relaxation, I have had people report that headahces left, pain subsided and they felt much better. Years later people still use this simple method to relieve pain and pressure!

Order 5 Second Stress Test cards as handouts as low as $ .05 each - in stock ready to ship or Custom Printed

You choose. We offer the finest materials to teach how to master your life in order to be healthy and stay well. Click on the Products and Services to visit our pages of products to help.
Be Well. Dr. Tim Lowenstein

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Stress Thermometer™  - Only $21.95

Stress Thermometer - stress reduction, biofeedback, relax by
On Amazon - Stress Thermometer - FREE Prime shipping, P.O. Box 127, Port Angeles,WA 98362 , USA
Orders 1.800.578.7377 | Local 360.457.9223 | Fax 360.457.9466
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DBA  Stress Market, Inc.

Where Did the Stress Temperature Range on Stress or Mood Cards come from?

 Where Did the Stress Temperature Range on Stress or Mood Cards come from?

by Dr Tim Lowenstein (c) 2014

Stress Temperature Range on Stress or Mood Cards

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Hi Dr Tim,

I really like your stress test demos! Very cool.

I was wondering if you could send me to the academic source wherein this data comes from?

I’ve been looking all over, and can’t seem to find it. I’m interested in ordering more of the temperature gauges, but am hesitant to do so until I find the backing for it first.

 Hi K

This is a "generalized" stress range. The actual number values or temperatures are determined by the manufacture of the liquid crystal material and when it changes color.

Liquid Crystal can only show a 9 to 10 degree color range change.

So simply speaking, a device that would measure temperature over 40 degrees would give better Feedback and measurement.

Assigning meaning to the individual temperatures is NOT a hard and fast rule. It is possible to be stressed and have a hand temperature of BLUE 91°. Or someone can be feeling quite nervous and their temperature is a GREEN 87°.

The goal was to introduce people to the concept that hand temperature is associated with a state of mind and body. Secondly, the feedback of color temperature change can be used in training to relax and vasodialate or increase hand temperature.

I do not know of any mass population surverys to determine specific hand temperature ranges. These states and associated temperatures are based on years of training, education and clinical experience.

Encourage each person to discover their own range of stress and hand temperature.

Order Stress Cards and Mood Cards here :
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Stress Thermometer™  - Only $21.95

Stress Thermometer - stress reduction, biofeedback, relax by
On Amazon - Stress Thermometer - FREE Prime shipping
Dr Tim Lowenstein

Amazon Free Ship stress products, P.O. Box 127, Port Angeles,WA 98362 , USA
Orders 1.800.578.7377 | Local 360.457.9223 | Fax 360.457.9466
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DBA  Stress Market, Inc.

Monday, June 23, 2014

PAIN MASTERY Demonstration

PAIN MASTERY Demonstration

by Dr. Tim Lowenstein (c) 2001

Dr Lowenstein demonstrates Pain Control
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Biodata for Dr. Tim Lowenstein

A baby diaper pin pushed into arm muscle - no pain, no bleeding.

NOTE: These photos are old but still a valid demonstration. I am reshooting the photos and a video that I will be posting. I have heard that this demonstration has encouraged others to calm down when injured. Freaking out actually can cause more damage than the injury itself. Example, people die of gun shot wounds that are not life threatening. So if you cut your finger, your extreme reaction actually hurts more and slows down your healing.

This photo may be shocking to some. It is offered as a demonstration as the level of skill that you can achieve through training and practice. This puncture wound demonstrates mastery of pain, infection and mental focus.

Typically, we think of advanced mastery skills as being demonstrated by monks from India or some exotic Asian country. I learned this and other skills while attending the very conservative Kansas State University. No it was not based on a course of studies in any college. It was because of the biofeedback equipment at the university and the time and energy I devoted to training. I did not set out to specifically gain these kind of skills. I focused my training on mastery of the mind and body. These unusual skills were the result of that training. Simply, I did not train by sticking a needle in my arm. I trained to enter deeply relaxed Theta and Delta mind states. I also practiced a number of meditation methods to cleanse and purge the personality. It was after intense focus on this kind of training that the unusual ability to manage the mind and body occurred.

It is amazing that this skill and the others have remained all these years. Frankly, the most difficult part of a pain/healing mastery demonstration is dealing with the reactions of the people watching. Some people tend to Ohh and Argh thinking only of their own fear or pain and suffering. It is very hard for them to imagine such an event occurring without a flood of pain and alarm signals.

Nurses and other health care professionals are amazed at how the skin clings to the needle. It forms a small tent as the needle is withdrawn from the body. It appears the skin is reluctant to release the needle.

I experience the event as if I were a member of audience. I do not judge but calmly watch. Internally, my mind accepts the needle and the individual particles of my body move aside to accept this outside entry.

I could go on and on sharing and explaining this level of mastery. I hope it encourages you to take seriously your own ability to manage headaches, ulcers, back pain and the pains of life. I share this so that you can see the advanced levels of training that you can achieve beyond warming your hands and relaxing your muscles.

Breaking the Skin. Notice Needle Bends as it breaks the skin. Skin is resisting puncture.
Needle Completely Buried - No Blood, No Pain, No Infection

Photo 4 Close-Up Needle Next to Site of Puncture

Here is a specific Relaxation and Guided Imagery to learn Pain Management Skills

Enter into Deep Relaxation to free yourself from Pain, Emotional Trauma and Mental Anguish. Dr. Lowenstein demonstrates Super Healing - the ability to inhibit bleeding and to control pain. He has spent years training. This tape offers the gems of that study. Public presentations available. Listen to sample

If you have NO training in biofeedback, relaxation or stress management, I also recommend:

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    • Warming Hands/Feet
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    • Holographic Music® Brainwave Plan
A systematic, scientific training program to learn muscle relaxation, hand warming and mental relaxation. Jacobsen Progressive Muscle Relaxation - tense and release muscle relaxation for deep muscle relaxation of both large and fine muscles. Autogenic phrases to direct warmth to the hands and feet. Guided Imagery relaxatoin for deep mental and Theta brainwave relaxation. Breathing relaxation for subtle and fine relaxation of the mind and body.
Excellent program to reduce High Blood Pressure, relieve migraine and tension
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Key Benefits

    - Learn to master pain and uncomfortable feelings
    - Be able to focus your energy and achieve a MASTERY of life.
    - Enhance your immune systems ability to recover health and wellness.

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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

©2014 Timothy J. Lowenstein, Ph.D.

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FREE Book - Be Stress Wise, by Dr Tim Lowenstein
Go to
and download your copy. Feel Free to share with friends.

Seek proper medical treatment from professionals. Training described herein should not be undertaken without advice from your health professional. Use of the Stress Computer and other training materials is the sole choice of the reader.
Table of Contents

    How do STRESS and Temperature relate ... ?
    Where should I practice ... ?
    Understanding Temperature ... ?
    Temperature Variables ... ?
    Frequently asked questions ... ?
    Temperature Charting and Bibliography ... ?

How do STRESS and Temperature relate ... ?

The Stress Computer will let you see to 1/10 of one degree the stress you experience in different situations. Changes in hand/foot temperature are a reflection of blood flow - a measure of the stress response. For example, while talking about an upsetting incident involving your parents, an employer/employee, or friend your temperature may drop 5° to 20°. In contrast, when recalling a minor misunderstanding your temperature may only drop one degree. And yet, when you recall the warm sun on a recent vacation, your temperature may increase a full 10°.

What is most surprising is how quickly the changes occur. People often comment, I never had any idea that little finger could show so much!

The basic rule for interpreting temperature change is simple, Warmer hands/feet indicate Relaxation while Colder hands/feet reflect Activation or Tension. When the body's fight/ flight system is activated the muscles tense, heart rate and the vital organs speed up. As a result, blood flow is shunted from the extremities and directed to the vital organs to facilitate the increased level of arousal. As a result, changes of 5°, 10° or 15° can occur within just a few minutes.

The amount of temperature change depends on the stressor or problem and how you react to stress.

- Relative change. You need to observe your temperature over a week in different settings to see what your temperature range is. 72° may be your wife's coldest temperature while 85° may your coldest.

- The long term goal is to consistently raise your temperature to 95° F. and above; to hold that temperature throughout the length of your training session. The Time To Relax relaxation cassette will teach you to relax and increase hand and foot temperature.

- Develop sensitivity in order to recognize subtle changes in hand temperature throughout the day without the aid of the Stress Computer.

- Develop the skill to increase hand temperature in the midst of stressful situations.
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Where should I practice ... ?

It would be best to train while sitting in a comfortable chair, unless you want to fall asleep. Sit with your spine rather straight, with your hands in your lap, then cross your feet or place them flat on the floor. Remove contacts, loosen clothing, turn off the phone or take care of anything that might disturb your rest and relaxed attention.

The following four suggestions can enhance your learning to relax:

1) Initially, it would be helpful to practice in a quiet environment, wearing loose clothing and removing contact lenses or other things that might distract your attention. Especially if you're a house person, it might be best to practice initially where and when you won't be disturbed.

2) Time your practice an hour after eating so as not to interfere with your digestive process.

3) Try to practice at about the same time each day so your body will look forward to rest and will gradually learn that resting is a habit.

4) After about the tenth session, try relaxing in a more realistic, active setting, using the taped exercise or your memory of a relaxation exercise. Do this test after every 10 sessions to see how well you can rest in the midst of noise and disturbances. This will help you carry your skills into daily life.

You can gather a friend, spouse, family or group of people and train together. Share your experiences to stimulate one another's learning.
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Understanding Temperature ... ?

Your hand temperature can change from 60° to 99° degrees Fahrenheit (15.5° to 37.2° Celsius). Keep in mind this general rule: WARM HANDS INDICATE RELAXATION WHILE COLD HANDS REFLECT TENSION. Not everyone reacts to stress through dramatically colder hands and feet. You may also react by tensing muscles like your forehead, jaw, shoulders, etc. Perhaps your stomach has butterflies or becomes upset. Each of us reacts to stress in our own special way. Hand temperature is just one simple and effective way to measure stress levels.

There is no normal temperature but a range over which temperature fluctuates and changes.

Below79°  79-84°  84-90°  90-95°  Above 95°(F)

Highly Slightly Mildly Quietly Deeply

Tense Tense Calm Relaxed Relaxed

Below26°  26-29°  29-32°  32-35°  Above 35°(C)
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Temperature Variables ... ?

The first and most obvious is to avoid touching the thermometer to the cold table top or laying it against a warm leg. You will measure the combined temperature or the table top and your finger and it will be inaccurate. Also, holding the thermometer between the fingers provides an inaccurate reading due to the variance in both surface temperature between the two fingers and the tension used to hold the thermometer. It's fine to hold the thermometer with just your fingers to do a quick check.

Secondly, steroids, tranquilizers, alcohol, hypertensive medication and other drugs in the body will tend to elevate extremity temperature.

Third, in the summer, hand temperatures tend to be warmer because the blood vessels are nearer the surface of the skin.

People do not have 98.6° as their average core body temperature. We have found that everyone can train to increase their hand and foot temperature and to maintain a higher average temperature.

Diet - coffee, soda pop, sugar foods, lack of eating, eating a big meal before relaxing - can all influence your temperature.

Expectations and Performance Anxiety - Your thoughts influence your temperature. If you think, Oh, I just can't learn to relax. Guess what! You will have a heck of time working against that thought. Reverse thinking, like cold is better, will create COLD. Also, if you try too hard to relax you can end up more tense!

WORRY. This is the hardest factor to overcome. Don't fight worry. Feel the sensation of your breathing. Exhale worry with each breath.

The goal is to be a Stress Master - to control your own reactions rather than being controlled by events outside yourself.
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Frequently asked questions ... ?

What is a normal temperature? 98.6° ? Most people think that they should try to have 98.6° (the body's average core temperature) as their average temperature throughout the day.

What is a good temperature? The first and foremost goal is to feel what takes place inside yourself. I like to see the temperature increase. A good temperature change is 5° to 10°. The overall goal of an ending temperature is 95° or higher. Again how you feel is the MOST important.

How high can I safely warm my hands? You can cool your hands to the point of getting a headache. You can heat your hands into the high 90's or even low 100's.

Again there is not one normal temperature - just a range over which your temperature fluctuates. Check your temperature regularly to chart your range.
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Temperature Charting and Bibliography ... ?

The higher the beginning temperature, the less room for change. If your initial temperature is in the high 80's or low 90's, the less room there is for increasing temperature.

A listing of research papers documenting the effectiveness of stress management and temperature biofeedback devices became too large to maintain. If you would like to source research and clinical application reports, I suggest these professional journals [limited list] : Clinical Science Journal, Psychophysiology Journal, Headache Journal, Biofeedback and Self-Regulation Journal, The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Proceedings of the Biofeedback Society of America, Journal of Clinical Psychology, Behavior Therapy Journal, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, American Journal of Psychophysiology, British Journal of Psychiatry, etc.

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Stress Thermometer - stress reduction, biofeedback, relax by
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